Business Sales Services in Oklahoma City, OK
Determine Business Value: We provide an estimate of the fair market value of your business. We know what Oklahoma City businesses like yours are actually selling for and how to price it properly. VR has valued and sold businesses in virtually every market and segment.
Structuring the Sale: Price, of course, is important but so are the other terms of the deal. Money down, financing, non-competes and training all play a part. VR has knowledge and experience in structuring deals which can often be the difference between a successful transaction and one that falls apart.
Advertising & Marketing: We get your business for sale in Oklahoma City, OK exposure you can't get on your own or from another firm. We use our international network of offices and buyers, all the leading websites, newspapers, mailings and other proprietary marketing efforts.
Buyer Qualification: We screen through the curious and find serious buyers for your business for sale. We obtain a signed NDA to protect you and your business and a net worth statement to qualify prospects.
Introduction & Follow-up: We introduce your business to qualified buyers with the goal of obtaining an offer to purchase. The decision to buy a business in Oklahoma City, OK can be an emotional one. We assist business buyers to help them overcome their concerns from start to finish.
Negotiations: When you are emotionally attached to your business, it can be difficult to be focussed at negotiations. We represent you to ensure that you receive the best price for your business for sale.
Service Through Closing: Our job is not done until your business is sold and the deal is complete. We work with you as well as your advisors, such as lawyers and accountants, to vigorously represent you all the way through the closing of the business sale.