Building Upon Your Referral Relationships for Your Business - VR Business Sales Blog

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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Building Upon Your Referral Relationships for Your Business

JoAnn Lombardi
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So you’re at a conference, trade show or event and have met a contact that would be a great contributor to your business in some shape or form. You’ve established initial rapport; let them talk about themselves and their business instead of you pitching your intentions. By the time that you received their business card at the end, they were impressed with you to where the follow-up meeting will make for an excellent situation to take your new relationship to the next level.  
But before that happens, there are a few things to remember when you end the first conversation.  
Reintroducing Yourself Later in the Event
After a couple of hours, you should be going around and saying hello to your new contacts; and make sure that you remember their names. If someone that you introduced yourself to two hours earlier sees that you’ve taken the time to say hello and know their name, they will be impressed – plus it is most likely that they have forgotten your name.
However, make sure that you let him know right away what your name is. We all know that the last thing that you want is to make him feel embarrassed and defensive. The whole point of following up your first encounter is to make them feel good about themselves.  
Creative Matchmaking
If you have the opportunity, you should introduce these people to each other if they can be of mutual benefit. As a result, you should be able to make several good contacts at these meetings. This is what we call creative matchmaking, where you position yourself as a center of influence – the one who knows the movers and shakers.  
You want to be able to give each person a nice introduction and explain what the other does. Then you suggest ways that they can find referrals for each other. Remember the critically important step of asking that person how you can know if the person that you’re speaking to can be a good prospect for them. You can utilize that information for the benefit of those that you are introducing such as what would be the sign of a good prospect for each person. Both people will find benefits in what the other person does, and suggest referrals.  
Making Yourself the Ace without Discussing Your Business
In the process of both conversations, you have done nothing but focus on them and show that you are interested in adding to their lives and success. Without saying it, you are showing them that just by knowing you and having you as a part of their lives, they stand to gain.  
We’re always looking to seek out more things in life. Thus, when we meet people who appear to help us in that quest for increased business, we become attracted to them much faster than we other would have.  
You can do all of this without ever mentioning your products or business. You position yourself in their minds as a center of influence, where they will be receptive. They will see that you cared enough about them to listen, remember and desire to help them. All this time, you’re just beginning to give them a hint of the fact that you are an ace, someone to do business with or refer to others.  
Excusing Yourself from the Conversation
A final thing that you can do is during the time that the two people that you’ve introduced to each other are conversing, politely excuse yourself and leave them as they speak. And you know what? They’ll be talking about you, since you’re the one common element that they share up to that point. They may not have much or any idea as to what you do, but don’t worry, they will soon.
That’s the key to having a successful referral that will lead to successful transactions for you and your business. Like a farmer, it takes a lot of care and attention to make sure the crops will be ready for the harvest.


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