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Call VR Business Brokers 954-565-1555 is Vacation Rental and Property Management Concept. Our Licensees own an exclusive territory in locations where there are vacation homes, condos, villas, cabins, lodges, etc. Any location that has at least 500,000 visitors a year and at least 3,000 bedrooms meets our minimum territory requirements.

Locations currently range from Maui, HI to Park City, UT. Typically, our locations will be in beach, lake, mountain or desert locations. Major urban locations will qualify as well (San Francisco, Miami, etc).
The Vacation Rental industry is a $85 Billion industry in the US and Europe. There are over 7.7 million second homes in the US alone. The industry is very fragmented and most of the competition is mom and pop operators. is the only international Vacation Rental and Management branded concept today. History was started in 2008. The partners that own iTrip have a very strong background in real estate with an emphasis in vacation real estate. Their previous experience was in selling hundreds of millions of vacation real estate all across North and Central America. They have personally owned vacation real estate for over 22 years.
Total Number of Units: 38
Licensed Units: 37
Year Established: 2008
Licensing Since: 2008 License OpportunitiesBenefits of Owning an License 

Benefits include having a business that can provide an Executive Level Income with one territory. The business has no inventory, no accounts receivables, no employees, no building to lease and no special equipment. The business allows you to live in a resort location and allows the Licensee to work from home. This is a business that gives the Licensee control of their future, Autonomy, ability to manage other (Vendors) and a strong financial gain. License Financial Investment

Initial investment is $75,000. We do not provide any financing. The Licensee will need an additional $35,000 in operating capital for their first year.
Total Initial Investment: $75,000
License Fee: $75,000
Liquid Capital Required: $110,000
Net Worth Required: $200,000
Financial Assistance: N/A
Start-Up Capital: $35,000 Training and Support
Does Corporate Assist in Site Selection: Yes
Does Corporate Provide Advertising and Marketing (Local, National): Yes
Does Corporate Provide Continued Training: Yes

License Requirements

We are looking for displaced corporate professionals with 20+ years of experience. We are also looking for entrepreneurs with similar experience. The Licensee must have a strong background in Business Development / territory development. Operational experience is nice as well. The Licensee must be coachable and willing to follow a 2-year detailed territory development model that is proven to work. License Location Requirements
Each vacation destination location is unique. Our typical territory has over 500,000 visitors a year, and over 3,000 bedrooms in the community (not including hotels, motels, time shares or fractionals).  Some territories boundaries will also be determined by mountain ranges, coast lines, state or county lines.
The Licensee will be purchasing an Exclusive Territory that they have the right to develop. 


Top 35 Target Market Areas

Any vacation market in North and Central America and throughout the Caribbean. With the right candidate, we would consider English speaking parts of Europe. We are also interested in Australia, Singapore and other English speaking countries throughout SE Asia.


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    • +1 (954) 565-1555
    • 2601 E. Oakland Park Blvd, Suite 300 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306

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